Boilers for professionals since 1935

Our vision

Osby Parca AB shall develop, manufacture and offer boilers, prefabricated centrals, facilities and service services during the entire life cycle of the products.
We must always offer world-class products and through our unique expertise in heat-stressed pressure vessels and peripheral equipment, we also create added value for the customer.
We work for a high product quality and service level.
We consider environmental aspects from a lifetime perspective in the development of our products from raw material to end use and recycling.

Through our constant work with changes, compliance with binding requirements, minimization of resource utilization and active leadership, Osby Parca AB shall be the first choice among customers, municipalities, owners and staff.

Contact us for a free quote

Biomass boilers

We offer a wide range of solid fuel boilers in sizes between 350 kW – 8 MW, for firing with pellets, briquettes and dry chips (<35% humidity), or moist chips (35-55% humidity).

Pre-fabricated boiler rooms

Osby Parca started supplying robust, Swedish-made boiler rooms over fifty years ago and to this day we offer solid and reliable solutions for the production of hot/hot water for all types of fuel.

Electric boilers and electrical cassettes

Osby Parcas electric boilers in the Eco series are a flexible and simple solution for generating hot water, 36 – 504 kW.
As an affordable complement to heat pumps, we have now also developed an electric cassette.

Oil/gas boilers

We can also offer boilers for burning oil and gas-based fuels such as e.g. bio-oil and biogas.


Service/service agreements and repairs: Osby Parca offers service, service agreements and repairs of boilers, pressure vessels and peripheral equipment.

Latest news

Denna ekologiskt medvetna äggproducent i Penrith i Lakesdistriktet i England investerade i en P500-panna.
Case studies

Lakes Free Range Egg Company

The environmentally concerned Lakes Free Range Egg Company invested in a 199 kW biomass boiler. Scope of supply One piece P500 199 kW boiler equipped

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